Barcelona announce midfielder contract extension next month

30 April 2024 - 10:45 am

According to the latest news from Catalonia, Barcelona will renew the contract of captain Sergi Roberto for another season. Earlier this season some at the club thought he would leave, but his performances in recent months and his leadership have earned him another contract.

Roberto appears to have sufficiently won over Deco and Xavi that they will extend the 32-year-old’s contract for a third year, allowing him to continue to be one of the lowest paid players in the team. Roberto’s decision was aided by Xavi’s continued support for his contract extension, and he was equally supportive of his coach.

“We are committed to him and the staff until death. The atmosphere in the dressing room is very good, we are working well and this is the best option,” Roberto told Sport.

“Unfortunately we didn’t win any titles this year, but I think with Xavi and the continuity of our team we will be able to compete for them all next season.”

According to the same media report, Roberto’s contract extension could be announced before the end of the season, which for Barcelona will be the last weekend of May. Money was no object in his latest contract extension and the veteran was attracted by the idea of ​​returning to captain the refurbished Camp Nou next season.

Roberto expressed a desire to join MLS at the end of his career and was a semi-regular in New York. With limited resources, Barcelona have benefited greatly from his presence this season and it seems unlikely that they will be able to find such a versatile, cheap, rotational player on the transfer market who can be easily used whenever and wherever they want. It can also balance the young players in the team.